31 de out. de 2011


          O novo nome da Andersen Consulting, Accenture, é uma palavra que, segundo a empresa, significa "foco no futuro". Provavelmente vem de Accent (em inglês, dirigir a atenção para), mais as últimas letras de future. A Accenture possui 373.000 funcionários no mundo (dados de março de 2016).
          Em 2021 a Accenture adquire a Founders Intelligence. “Com a aquisição, poderemos ajudar nossos clientes a criar iniciativas de crescimento que tenham impacto duradouro no futuro”, disse Lucy Cooper, líder em inovação da Accenture para a Europa. Fundada em 2013 em Londres, a Founders Intelligence é uma consultoria especializada em assessorar empresas na criação de valor dentro da nova economia digital. Para o CEO Rob Chapman, fazer parte da Accenture é uma grande oportunidade para funcionários e clientes. “Criamos a empresa para potencializar nosso talento empreendedor e ter impacto em grandes corporações. Estamos entusiasmados em poder fazer isso em uma escala ainda maior”, afirmou o fundador da consultoria.
(Fonte: jornal Valor - 22.03.2012 / Época Negócios - 16.11.2021 - partes)

           Continuous innovation and rapid transformation have been themes throughout Accenture's history, which the company traces to the 1950s with the installation of the first computer system for commercial use in the United States at General Electric’s Appliance Park facility.
           The company built its reputation primarily as a technology consultant and systems integrator. By the late 1980s, Accenture began offering a new breed of business integration solutions to clients—solutions that aligned organizations' technologies, processes and people with their strategies.
           Throughout its history, Accenture has expanded its offerings and capitalized on evolving management trends and technologies to benefit its clients. The company pioneered systems integration and business integration; led the deployment of enterprise resource planning, customer relationship management and electronic services; and has established itself as a leader in today's global marketplace.
           Accenture is a great success story by any measure. The company’s history has been more than 60 years in the making—from the earliest days as a pioneer in the new world of information technology in the 1950s to its position today as a Fortune Global 500 industry leader.
          Initially called Andersen Consulting, Accenture (Accent = to direct attention to + future) was formally established in 1989 when a group of partners from the Consulting division of the various Arthur Andersen firms around the world formed a new organization focused on consulting and technology services related to managing large-scale systems integration and enhancing business processes.
           That same year Accenture formalized Business Integration, its framework for aligning a client’s people, processes and technology in support of its overall strategy to enable all components of the client organization to work to enhance business performance. Accenture has evolved from a systems integrator to a global management consulting and technology services company, providing the full range of consulting, outsourcing and related technology services.
           A New Name, A New Direction. By 2000, Accenture had achieved more than a decade of tremendous growth, with net revenues exceeding US$9.5 billion and more than 70,000 professionals in 46 countries delivering to clients a broad range of consulting, technology and outsourcing services and solutions.
           On Jan. 1, 2001, the company changed its name to Accenture (from Andersen Consulting) as the result of an arbitrator’s decision in August 2000 that severed the contractual ties between Accenture and Andersen Worldwide Société Coopérative (AWSC). Accenture then launched one of the largest and most successful re-branding campaigns in corporate history. The new name reinforced Accenture’s new positioning and reflected the organization’s further growth and broadened set of capabilities.
           Since its inception in 1989, Accenture had operated as a group of locally owned independent partnerships or other entities in more than 40 countries. (Accenture is and has always been a global organization and has never operated under a U.S. holding company structure.) By 2001, it became apparent to Accenture’s partners that maintaining the organization’s existing partnership structure would limit the company’s ability to continue its growth. Therefore, the partners, more than half of whom were from countries other than the United States, decided to transition to corporate form, enabling Accenture to build and acquire the necessary capital to remain competitive and fuel its growth.
           In April 2001, Accenture’s partners voted overwhelmingly to pursue an initial public offering, and Accenture became a public company on July 19, 2001, when it listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol ACN.
          Today Accenture is a global management consulting, technology services and outsourcing company, with more than 293,000 (373.000 in March 2016) people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$28.6 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2013.
(Fonte: site da empresa - parte)

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