6 de out. de 2011

Ceva Santé Animale

     Ceva Santé Animale is a French livestock health giant.
     The company, on November 24th 2016, announced an agreement to purchase Minas Gerais companies Hertape and Inova Biotecnologia – the latter is a partnership of Hertape and pharmaceutical company Eurofarma. The acquisitions still need to be cleared by the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (Cade) and are expected to make Ceva the fifth biggest livestock health company in Brazil.
     The French multinational group sees the deals as adding to its portfolio. Ceva has a single plant in Campinas, São Paulo, producing drugs mainly for the poultry segment, while Hertape, from Juatuba, Minas Gerais, is stronger in cattle products. Inova, which debuted in 2010, makes vaccines for Foot-and-Mouth disease.
     The deal for Hertape and especially for Inova mirrors the challenge faced by smaller players to compete in an increasingly concentrated global market for animal health. The merger of Merial, a former Sanofi unit, with Boehringer is one example.
     For the acquirers (like Ceva), buying vaccine production plants is advantageous despite the supply and demand imbalances. Livestock immunization is mandatory in practically all of Brazil, making vaccines “order starters” for other products.
(Fonte: jornal Valor international online 25.11.2016)

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