6 de out. de 2011

Contém 1g

          A indústria de produtos de maquiagem Contém 1g foi criada em 1984 em São João da Boa Vista, uma pequena cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo, por Rogerio Rubini.
          No início de agosto de 2018, com dívida de aproximadamente R$ 40 milhões, pediu proteção contra falência, em São João da Boa Vista. Segundo a empresa, a crise econômica reduziu drasticamente as margens.
(Fonte: jornal Valor - 25.01.2017 / 02.08.2018 - partes)

English version
          Contém 1g was created in 1984 in São João da Boa Vista, a small city in the interior of São Paulo state. The founder is Rogerio Rubini.
          In 2015, the business, was close to being sold to Natura, in a negotiation that went on for months and put retailers in a wait-and-see mode. The company doesn’t confirm the talks. It didn’t take long for the economic crisis to take an even bigger toll on store owners, who lost in average sales tickets and got fewer clients at the stores.
          In 2016 the company launched 140 items, compared to an average of 200 in prior years. In April 2016, Contém 1g resorted to direct sales in order to put the business back on track. It was a sort of return to the origin — 12 years earlier, the company had abandoned the model to concentrate on expanding through retail franchises. In September 2016 it moved to multi-level, transferring the 6,000 catalog distributors to the new model.
          Contém 1g began operating in multi-level marketing, a direct-sales model that includes indirect recruiting of distributors (or consultants, as the sales people are called) and their participation in the results. It is its big bet to accelerate door-to-door sales and gather momentum after the slowdown in sales at retail stores.
          The company is building a perfume factory in a 3,600-square-meter property located 2 kilometers away from its make-up unit. The new operation has capacity for 10 million units per year. Perfume is the central item of direct sales, and a way of reaching the class C, says CEO Rogerio Rubini. The strategy is also to attract dedicated franchisees in multi-level market, a model with smaller size than traditional stores, thus more affordable.
          Contém 1g will maintain its retail operation. It reached 157 stores in 2016.
(Fonte: jornal Valor - international edition - 25.01.2017)

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