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6 de out. de 2011


     Na segunda metade do século XIX, John Boyd Dunlop, um cirurgião veterinário escocês, que morava na Irlanda, tornou a bicicleta de seu filho muito mais confortável, inventando o pneumático: um tubo de borracha, contendo ar sob pressão, cobria o aro. Em 1888 a invenção foi patenteada na Inglaterra, mas Dunlop achou que não valia a pena abandonar sua profissão para se dedicar a ela. A ideia continuou não tendo aceitação para os automóveis, que mantiveram o uso de pneus maciços.
     A Dunlop continua produzindo pneus de bicicleta e logo em 1889 ganha várias corridas. Poucos anos depois começa a participar (e ganhar) corridas de automóveis como a vitória em Paris-Viena, em 1902.
     O Grupo japonês Sumitomo Rubber adquire a Dunlop Tyres em 1983 (ou 1963?). Com sede mundial no Japão, a Dunlop está presente em mais de 100 países e é considerada uma das principais produtoras de pneus do mundo. Suas 13 plantas através do globo estão espalhadas por países como Japão, Indonésia, Tailândia, China, Estados Unidos e Brasil, onde montou fábrica na região metropolitana de Curitiba. A planta na Fazenda Rio Grande, a 30 quilômetros da capital Curitiba, começou a operar em 2013 quase que inteiramente voltada para o pós venda, quando os proprietários de carros usados recolocam pneus.
(Fonte: site da empresa - parte)

English version (This article is about the original Dunlop company)
     Dunlop Rubber was a British multinational involved in the manufacture of various rubber goods. Its business was founded in 1889 in conjunction with Harvey du Cros by John Boyd Dunlop who had discovered the pneumatic tyre. It was one of the first multinationals, and under du Cros and, after him, under Eric Geddes grew to be one of the largest British industrial companies. The Dunlop name was not used for any part of the business until after J B Dunlop's retirement in 1895.
     J B Dunlop resigned in 1895, and sold most of his interest in Pneumatic Tyre.
     From the late 1890s Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre began to acquire its own rubber mills, and began to process rubber, whereas previously it had assembled tyres using components from other manufacturers.  In 1901 Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre used its majority holding to rename Rubber Tyre Manufacturing – Dunlop Rubber.Arthur Du Cros replaced E J Byrne.
     From 1900, Dunlop began to diversify from cycle tyres. The company manufactured its first motor car tyre in 1900. In 1906, a car wheel manufacturing plant was built. In 1910 Dunlop developed its first aeroplane tyre and golf ball.
     In 1971 Dunlop merged with Pirelli of Italy to form the world's third largest tyre company after Goddyear and Firestone. The merger was not a takeover by either company, but a joint venture arrangement where each company took minority interests in the other's subsidiaries. The merger was not successful, and the joint venture was dissolved in 1981.
     In September 1983, the European tyre business was sold to its former subsidiary Sumitomo Rubber Industries Ltd of Japan, for £82 million.
     Sumitomo Rubber Industries sold tyres for road vehicles with the Dunlop brand from 1985 to 1999. In 1999 Sumitomo RI and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company of the US formed a joint venture. Goodyear obtained the Dunlop tyre assets in Europe and the US, and Sumitomo RI continued to sell Dunlop tyres in other countries.

With 13 plants across the globe, the tire division generates 87% of revenues for Sumitomo, which since 1963 owns Dunlop, originally a British brand founded in the 19th century.

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