A dinamarquesa Ørsted (antiga Dong Energy), desde aproximadamente 2006, abandonou
progressivamente o carvão e o petróleo, que era sua principal atividade, para
favorecer as energias renováveis. Desde 2006, o grupo reduziu suas
emissões de CO2 em 52% e, em maio de 2017, vendeu suas atividades de produção
de petróleo e gás para a empresa suíça Ineos.
Sob responsabilidade da Ørsted, a Inglaterra inaugurou, na primeira semana
de setembro de 2018, o maior parque eólico marítimo do mundo. O empreendimento,
chamado de Walney Extension, localizado no Mar da Irlanda, está a 29
quilômetros da costa (da Inglaterra) e abrange uma área de 145 quilômetros
quadrados, com 87 turbinas e capacidade total de 659 megawatts. O projeto tem a
participação da Ørsted
de 50% em parceria com os fundos de pensão dinamarqueses PKA e PFA, com 25% de
participação de cada um. A energia é suficiente para fornecer eletricidade
a 590 mil residências.
Considerado pela empresa como
"uma enorme proeza de engenharia", conforme mensagem postada no
Twitter em 6 de setembro de 2018, a Walney Extension é o 11º parque eólico
offshore que a empresa possui no Reino Unido.
O Departamento de Negócios, Energia e Estratégia Industrial do Reino Unido
confirmou à CNN que o parque eólico offshore é o maior do mundo em termos de
megawatts produzidos.
De acordo com o Global Wind Energy Council, o Reino Unido tem a maior
capacidade eólica marítima estocada do mundo. No último ano, os parques eólicos
offshore tinham uma capacidade de mais de 6,8 mil megawatts. A Alemanha,
segunda colocada, produziu 5,5 mil megawatts.
(Fonte: revista IstoÉDinheiro -
06.09.2018 - parte)
English version:
About Ørsted
The Ørsted vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. Ørsted develops, constructs and operates offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provides smart energy products to its customers. Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted employs 5,600 people, including over 900 in the UK. Ørsted's shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Orsted). In 2017, the group's revenue was DKK 59.5 billion (EUR 8.0 billion).
About PFA
With more than EUR 67 billion (DKK 500 billion Danish kroner) under management and 1.2 million individual customers, PFA is the largest commercial pension company in Denmark. PFA is an experienced investor and is currently undergoing a strategic investment expansion focusing on investments in both green energy and infrastructure. EUR 5.4 billion (DKK 40 billion) is allocated for investments in unlisted shares, infrastructure and credit by 2020.
About PKA
PKA Ltd. is one of the largest pension service providers for labour market pension funds in Denmark. Their 300,000 members work primarily in the public sector. PKA invest approximately DKK 250bn (EUR 34.2bn) on behalf of their members. PKA has a special focus on investing in projects that help to mitigate the effects of climate change. They have invested approximately DKK 19bn (EUR 2.3bn) in climate-related projects and have currently investments in five offshore wind farms since the sale of Butendiek offshore wind farm in 2016.
The Ørsted vision is a world that runs entirely on green energy. Ørsted develops, constructs and operates offshore wind farms, bioenergy plants and innovative waste-to-energy solutions and provides smart energy products to its customers. Headquartered in Denmark, Ørsted employs 5,600 people, including over 900 in the UK. Ørsted's shares are listed on Nasdaq Copenhagen (Orsted). In 2017, the group's revenue was DKK 59.5 billion (EUR 8.0 billion).
About PFA
With more than EUR 67 billion (DKK 500 billion Danish kroner) under management and 1.2 million individual customers, PFA is the largest commercial pension company in Denmark. PFA is an experienced investor and is currently undergoing a strategic investment expansion focusing on investments in both green energy and infrastructure. EUR 5.4 billion (DKK 40 billion) is allocated for investments in unlisted shares, infrastructure and credit by 2020.
About PKA
PKA Ltd. is one of the largest pension service providers for labour market pension funds in Denmark. Their 300,000 members work primarily in the public sector. PKA invest approximately DKK 250bn (EUR 34.2bn) on behalf of their members. PKA has a special focus on investing in projects that help to mitigate the effects of climate change. They have invested approximately DKK 19bn (EUR 2.3bn) in climate-related projects and have currently investments in five offshore wind farms since the sale of Butendiek offshore wind farm in 2016.
About Walney Extension Offshore Wind Farm
Located in the Irish Sea - approximately 19km from the Walney Island coast in Cumbria
Covers an area of 145km2 – equal to around 20,000 football pitches or 10 Lake Windermeres
Total capacity of 659MW – capable of powering almost 600,000 UK homes
Project is owned by Ørsted (50%), PKA (25%) and PFA (25%).
Located in the Irish Sea - approximately 19km from the Walney Island coast in Cumbria
Covers an area of 145km2 – equal to around 20,000 football pitches or 10 Lake Windermeres
Total capacity of 659MW – capable of powering almost 600,000 UK homes
Project is owned by Ørsted (50%), PKA (25%) and PFA (25%).
(Fonte: walneyextension.co.uk/News/2018/09)
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