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6 de out. de 2011


     Ibmec is one of the most coveted educational institutuions in SãoPaulo. Founded in 1970 by economists Paulo Guedes and Claudio Haddad, Ibmec underwent a split in 2004, when the unit in São Paulo became a non-profit institution and was renamed Insper. The other units located in Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte and Brasília remained for-profit under the Ibmec brand. In the process, Mr. Guedes left the partnership and it was agreed that Ibmec could only open a campus in São Paulo after 2016, so there would be time for Insper to consolidate its operations. As the deadline was approaching, several investors and education groups made proposals.
     In Dezember 2015, Ibmec was sold to American company DeVry (today, Adtalem), which paid about R$674 million for a 96.4% stake in the prestigious business school. DeVry's acquisition of Ibmec marks strategic landing in São Paulo. In addition to the brand’s strength, the transaction stands out because starting next year Ibmec will be able to open a unit in São Paulo, which concentrates the highest demand for economics, finance and management programs.
     Ibmec’s shareholding structure was divided as follows: Mr. Haddad had 40%, the US fund Capital held 35%, Michael Perlman, one of the founders of Ibmec, 15%, and the rest was spread among former executives of the institution.
     Ibmec undergoes a deep restructuring to compete on an equal footing with other business colleges such as Insper and FGV in São Paulo. Ibmec arrives to grab high-income students from competitors, even with equivalent monthly rates. Ibmec is the US group’s target of attention, mainly in São Paulo, where demand for business and finance programs is stronger. Today, of the 15,000 students of Ibmec, half are from the Rio de Janeiro unit. In April, a campus will be inaugurated in the São Paulo’s Jardins neighborhood, near Avenida Paulista, with post-graduate courses and MBA in the areas of law and management. Graduation classes are scheduled to start in 2018. The expansion strategy also includes a new Ibmec campus in Brasília in mid-2017, and the start of undergraduate courses.
(Fonte: jornal Valor International - Beth Koike - 16.12.2015 / 01.12.2016)

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